Taping & Strapping
Taping and Strapping is for those with level 4 sports massage looking to do CPD. The unit shows you how to respond to individuals that require support for joints during healing or during physical activity.
Know how Anatomy and Physiology Underpin the Application of Taping and Strapping-Manual
Know how Anatomy and Physiology Underpin the Application of Taping and Strapping-Worksheet
Understand the Agreed Standards of Practice when Taping and Strapping in Sport and Active Leisure-Manual
Understand the Agreed Standards of Practice when Taping and Strapping in Sport and Active Leisure-Worksheet
Understand the Indications for and Contraindications to Taping and Strapping-Manual
Understand the Indications for and Contraindications to Taping and Strapping-Worksheet
Understand the Importance of Concurring and Presenting Taping and Strapping Strategies-Manual
Understand the Importance of Concurring and Presenting Taping and Strapping Strategies-Worksheet
Understand the Importance of Hygiene and Client Positioning when Taping and Strapping-Manual
Understand how to Evaluate the Effectiveness of Taping and Strapping-Manual
Be able to Produce and Store Client Records-Manual